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Tara Albright DPT

Tara Albright PT, DPT, Cert DN, CFPS

Physical Therapist
Phone: 970-241-5856
Specialties: Foot and ankle pain and rehabilitation, Dry Needling (Cert DN), Certified Fall Prevention Specialist (CFPS), Certified Myofascial Cupping Practitioner, dizziness management and vestibular rehabilitation, pre-employment screening, geriatric mobility and pregnancy related low back pain.


Tara graduated from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, in Denver with a clinical doctorate in Physical Therapy. Tara is a Grand Junction native and is excited to be working in the community where she was born and raised. Tara was a dancer and gymnast for 15 years prior to attending graduate school. She enjoys outdoor activities including swimming, waterskiing, ATV riding and exercising. Favorite places to play are the Uncompahgre Plateau and Lake Powell.

 "The physical therapy profession will transform society by optimizing movement for all people of all ages to improve human experience."

- American Physical Therapy Association Vision Statement

Physical Therapy Specialty Center
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3150 N. 12th Street Grand Junction CO 81506 * * Tel: 970-241-5856 * Fax: 970-241-8599

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